I just discovered that one of my photos of Thailand was recently licensed for use in the latest, 800 page Lonely Planet Thailand guidebook, which is the 15th…
Ever since the start of the digital camera revolution about 15 years ago, many photographers started to shoot less in black and white. And back in the days…
I think when photographers arrive at an exciting travel location they can become a bit overwhelmed by their surroundings and forget to photograph that special location in a…
Panning is a great way to spruce up your travel photos with some movement and creative looking motion blur. Developing the technique correctly may take a bit of…
A new travel book on Thailand titled “To Thailand With Love“, which I shot the photographs for, was just published by Things Asian Press. A short overview of…
Most travel photographers are totally against using any sort of artificial light or fill in flash in their photos. Maybe part of it is principle, perhaps part of…