Tag: tutorial

Shoot 5 Different Styles Of Studio Portraits With Just 1 Light

Many photographers who have a small studio setup often don’t have the large amount of equipment needed to create dynamic studio portraits that require 3-4 strobes. In many…

How To Setup High-Key Studio Lighting

High-key photography requires a particular type of lighting that aims to reduce the overall amount of shadow detail within a photo. The technique provides you with a bright…

How To Give Your Photos A Crisp, Commercial Looking Finish

You may have noticed, when looking at commercial shots of people used for print advertising, that the images often have a very nice, crisp, and clean and simple…

Convert To Black And White: My Quick And Easy Photoshop Workflow

A few weeks ago I posted an article titled Black And White – An Old Way To Renew Your Digital Photos. In that article I discussed the beauty…


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